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Archive for Navigating Social Media

Social Media Presence, Absence, and Time Travel

What it means to be present online, and how we move between present and absent. How we can be both present and absent when writing and blogging.

Social Media Dis-Ease

Can too many invitations to blossom, sparkle and shine make us feel uneasy? Some reflections on the cumulative effect of reading online.

A Year in 140

Reflecting on the year gone by, through ideas and insights shared on Twitter. How to keep note of insights by starring items in your stream.

Social Media: A Love / Hate Relationship

Reflections on the good and the not so good of social media, and the need to make choices about what we filter in, and what we filter out.

My Twitter Presence: Welcome to My Neighbourhood

How investing time on Twitter creates an online neighbourhood; how to interact and engage on Twitter to maintain that kind of space